
2020年12月20日—TheonlywaytoinstallWin7onthatmachineistouseamodifiedWin7installerISOthathasUSB3driversembeddedwithinit.Beforeigoany ...,2018年12月11日—IrecentlybuiltacomputerandwhenItrytoinstallwindows7viadisc,themouseandkeyboardstopworkingdespitestillhavingpower.,2021年3月31日—Theonlywayiknowoftogetwindows7toworkonnewcomputersistoslipstreamUSBdriversintotheinstallationofanewinstall.Ivenever .....

Windows 7 setup keyboard and mouse don't work.

2020年12月20日 — The only way to install Win7 on that machine is to use a modified Win7 installer ISO that has USB 3 drivers embedded within it. Before i go any ...

Trying to install windows 7, keyboard and mouse stop ...

2018年12月11日 — I recently built a computer and when I try to install windows 7 via disc, the mouse and keyboard stop working despite still having power.


2021年3月31日 — The only way i know of to get windows 7 to work on new computers is to slipstream USB drivers into the installation of a new install. Ive never ...

Windows installation media can't detect keyboard and mouse

2014年12月11日 — I've tried multiple USB ports, and 2 different keyboards (I only have 1 mouse) and nothing has worked. How do I get it to find the input devices ...

Windows 7 Setup can't detect my keyboardmouse

2020年5月7日 — I just bought my new computer and i prefer win 7 over 10 so i tried installing win 7 and in the setup i can't use my keyboard or my mouse. I ...

Keyboard and Mouse not working while installing Windows ...

2022年8月31日 — A major issue with installing Windows 7 on a modern computer is that USB 3.0 ports do not work. This means that if your keyboard and mouse ...

Windows 7 (Old PC) loads but mouse keyboard not working

2023年9月12日 — I have connected my USB mouse and keyboard and it works well in BIOS, but when Windows 7 loads and turn to start up screen, the mouse and ...